Home » Subject Overview » Media


The Course:

The broad and balanced nature of the media course means that learning is relevant, engaging, creative and accessible but challenging. It offers: extensive and meaningful coverage of media theory and concepts. The chance to study media products across a range of media platforms include: film, television, video games, music videos, radio, newspapers, magazines, advertising and marketing and online, social and participatory media.

Controlled assessment/practical work explores contemporary subject matters through short film making, magazine and advertisement design, article writing, photography and graphic design.


Assessment: 70% examination, 30% controlled assessment


Paper 1: 1 hour 30 minutes (84 marks = 35%)

Paper 2: 1 hour 30 minutes (84 marks = 35%)

Controlled assessment:

Application of knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework (Media language, representation, audience and industry) will be assessed through ability to create a media product. A choice of one of five annually changing briefs will be set by AQA; assessed by teachers and moderated by AQA.

Relevance & Enrichment:

Media Studies offers the opportunity to gain an academic qualification in an area of key importance in the 21st century. Students learn about various media industries and have opportunities to attend exciting educational trips such as visits to Warner Bros Studios, local cinemas and the ITV Newsroom.

Skills required:

Students must be able to communicate clearly, concisely and accurately in writing
and be able to analyse and evaluate a range of text in detail, and apply knowledge to demonstrate understanding