Academy Ethos & Vision
Bristol Met – A PROUD Academy
Bristol Met has excellent learning at the core of every activity it undertakes and is committed to providing a learning experience for students and staff which rivals the best practices in the UK and the wider world. Bristol Metropolitan Academy works in partnership with students, staff, parents, the community and the CLF.
We believe in:
- High Standards, High Aspirations, High Expectations,
- Our PROUD Values
BMA Ethos and Values
BMA constantly strive to be a place where:
High standards, high aspirations, high expectations
- every child matters
- high levels of attendance, punctuality and behaviour are the norm
- there are clear and easy rules for everyone to follow
- we all work hard and are relentless in our pursuit of excellence
- there are no excuses for underperformance; we have high expectations of everything we do
- we achieve results at least in line with the best schools in the country
- there is a healthy spirit of competition

- learning is at the centre of everything we undertake
- learning is focused on developing the knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes we need now and in the future
- there is recognition that everyone wants to learn – it is a basic human need.
- the Academy is calm, safe and friendly
- we are noticed, respected, cared for and heard
- people are happy, have fun and want to be here; there are bursts of laughter
- we are inclusive and feel valued
- there is open, honest and frequent communication throughout the organisation
- different cultures co-exist; we respect and understand ourselves, each other and our environment
- we have a positive attitude and are all good ambassadors for the Academy
- everyone can take pride in the Academy, the achievements of those who learn and work here and its high-quality environment
For students, this means that it is a place where:
- there are fairly applied, meaningful rewards for positive behaviour and consequences for negative behaviour
- we have high independence and responsibility for our own learning
- we are fully prepared for life beyond the Academy
- we are prepared to become fully functioning members of the local and global communities
- we have access to a programme of extension and enrichment which includes extra-curricular activities
- we have access to relevant PSHE and citizenship education, mentoring and advice (including relationships, sex and drugs education)
- we are inspired to develop ourselves and take leadership
- we ensure that our appearance is in line with school expectations
- we understand our own challenging targets and how best to achieve them
- we support each other in our learning and the pursuit of our goals
- our destiny is in our own hands
For staff, this means it is a place where:
- there are high levels of professionalism and respect
- we are totally committed and work really hard in a team that supports each other
- we lead by example
- we ensure there is a high degree of consistency in our practice
- we are accountable for our performance and that of the students with which we work
- it is a safe place to work and be successful, with great opportunity for continuing professional development
- we understand that students are children who are still growing and developing; children make mistakes and need to be nurtured and supported through this aspect of their learning.
- we retain the faith that every young person is able to achieve and that we have a crucial role to play in this process