Safeguarding Information
Bristol Metropolitan Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of child and young people. It is our expectation that all staff, volunteers and members of the school community share this commitment.
Meet the Team
Concerns about a child
Should you have any concerns relating to the safety and welfare of a child at the school you should immediately contact your child’s Head of House who has completed child protection training, in their absence contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Sarah Mapstone or in her absence Miss Danica Glover the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
If, on a rare occasion that none of these persons are available, please report your concerns to Mr Kris Bridgeman who is the Strategic Safeguarding Lead and Head of School.
If you have concerns about the well-being of any child you can also contact Bristol City Council’s First Response Team on 0117 9036444. If it is out of hours you can contact the Emergency Duty Team on 01454 615165.
Concerns about staff
Should you have any concerns in terms of safeguarding relating to the behaviour of a member of staff, you should immediately contact the designated person as above. If the allegation concerns these individuals, you should contact: Mr Shaw, Principal. Should you feel that your concerns have not been dealt with appropriately by the school, the CLF or Chair of the Academy Council you should contact the Local Authority Designated Officer via First Response on 0117 9036444.
Academy Site
If you have any concerns regarding the safety of the school site, please contact Mrs Amy Cryer, Senior Operations Manager by emailing [email protected]
The Academy Councillors and Academy staff team are committed to keeping our children safe and we regularly review our school policies and procedures to ensure that everything is being done to fulfil our duty of care.
The Academy Councillor responsible for safeguarding at Bristol Metropolitan Academy is Daisy Mason.
All staff are familiar with the government’s guidance for schools:
Keeping children safe in education
Working together to safeguard children – statutory guidance
Employment Requirements
We are an equal opportunities employer. At least one member of every interview panel has had Safer Recruitment training.
All offers of employment are subject to a disclosure and barring check (DBS), medical clearance and satisfactory references.
Online Safety
At Bristol Metropolitan Academy we aim to equip our students with the knowledge, understanding and skills to use information and communication technology creatively and purposefully. A key aspect of this lies in being digitally literate.
Online Safety – Student Friendly Guide
Online technologies play a huge role and so providing a broad and balanced e-safety education is vital to ensuring that students can navigate the online world safely and positively. Students learn about e-safety during ICT lessons, as part of the Learning Family programme and through regular assemblies.
Our Key member of staff responsible for E-Safety is Miss Danica Glover. Our school policy can be found here.
Be Kind Online
In the guide, you’ll find tips such as understanding the impact of your actions, disassociating from pack mentality and developing self-empathy.
Social Media Guides
Supporting Youth and families on Tiktok
Internet Matters Discord Guide
A Complete Guide on Potentially Dangerous Apps
Useful Links
Avon and Somerset Police Cyber Protect Channel
Childnet – Parents-and-carers-resource-sheet- Staying Safe Online
Prevent is about safeguarding people and communities from the threat of terrorism. Prevent is 1 of the 4 elements of CONTEST, the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. It aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.
Prevent – Student Friendly Guide
Incidents of extremism and radicalisation are rare and as such when they do occur, make the news. As with all safeguarding issues, it is important to be vigilant, and not complacent, but also not to panic.
What is extremism and radicalisation?
Prevent defines extremism as: “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also include in our definition of extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces”
Radicalisation is defined by the UK Government within this context as “the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.”
We live in a wonderfully diverse world, with both differences and similarities to celebrate. Exploring religious and different social beliefs, in a peaceful and non-violent way, is part of growing up and should not be confused with something more sinister. The best way to PREVENT extremism and radicalisation is by open discussion and increased understanding of each other.
As a parent…
- You know your child better than anybody else. Having open, honest conversations on a regular basis will allow your child to explore new ideas in a safe environment.
- Talk to your child about their online viewing. Social media such as YouTube and Facebook can be used to groom children towards a certain point of view.
- Discuss different points of view concerns topics in the news, modelling that there is always more than one point of view.
- Encourage your child to take an active part in their local community. This could be part of a sports club, social group, volunteering. Getting out, meeting and talking to people around you helps to understand and become part of a community.
As a school…
- All staff have had Prevent training from an accredited Prevent trainer in school.
- We have updated our safeguarding procedures to reflect statutory requirements in the Government’s Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015.
- We have direct contact with the Local Prevent Officer and other external professionals to receive on-going support and two way communication.
- Students are encouraged to discuss and explore issues during Learning Family Time, Assemblies and on Intensive Days.
- If you have any concerns that someone you know may be at risk of radicalisation, please contact the local police on 101.
- If your concern is of an URGENT nature please dial 999 or the Anti-Terrorist Hotline 0800 789 321.
- If you have a concern about a student at Bristol Metropolitan Academy please contact Mr Kris Bridgeman, Prevent Lead on 0117 377 2071.
Online Safety
Parent-Guardian Online Radicalisation Information and Support
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Honour based Violence (HBV)
Female genital mutilation is the mutilation of the external female genitalia for non-medical reasons. It is often referred to as female circumcision, ‘cutting’ or ‘sunna’.
Government Statement opposing FGM
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is child abuse and an extremely harmful practice with devastating health consequences for girls and women.
Some girls die from blood loss or infection as a direct result of the procedure.
Some women who have undergone FGM are also likely to find it difficult to give birth and many also suffer from long-term psychological trauma.
UK Law
- Female genital Mutilation is a crime in the United Kingdom. Even if a girl is taken abroad to undergo FGM, it is still a crime in the UK if the mutilation is done by a UK national or a UK resident.
- It is also a crime if a UK national or resident assists or gets a non-UK national or resident to carry out FGM overseas on a UK national or resident.
- If FGM is committed against a girl under the age of 16, each person who is responsible for the girl at the relevant time is guilty of an offence.
Criminal Penalties
Anyone found guilty of an FGM offence – or of helping somebody commit one – faces up to 14 years in prison, a fine, or both.
Anyone found guilty of failing to protect a girl from risk of FGM faces up to 7 years in prison, a fine, or both.
If you are worried that this might happen to you or someone you know, you can speak to a member of the safeguarding team in school. They will be able to help and support you.
Alternatively, you can report this abuse by contacting one of the following:
- If there’s immediate danger or if you or someone you know is in immediate danger of FGM, contact the police.
Call 999 to report emergencies or 101 for non-emergencies. - You should also contact the Foreign and Commonwealth Office if you know a British national who’s already been taken abroad.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Telephone: 020 7008 1500 - If you or someone you know is at risk
Contact the NSPCC anonymously if you’re worried that a girl or young woman is at risk or is a victim of FGM.
NSPCC FGM Helpline
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0800 028 3550
Child Sexual Exploitation
Sexual exploitation can take many forms from the seemingly ‘consensual’ relationship where sex is exchanged for attention/affection, accommodation or gifts, to serious organised crime and child trafficking. What marks out exploitation is an imbalance of power within the relationship. The perpetrator always holds some kind of power over the victim, increasing the dependence of the victim as the exploitative relationship develops.
Sexual exploitation results in children and young people suffering harm, which can cause a significant damage to their physical and mental health. Whilst some children can be supported to make a recovery, others may suffer serious life-long impairments which may, on occasion, lead to their death.
Any child or young person can be a victim of sexual exploitation, but children are believed to be at greater risk of being sexually exploited if they:
- are homeless
- have feelings of low self-esteem
- have had a recent bereavement or loss
- are in care
- are a young carer
However, there are many more ways that a child may be vulnerable to sexual exploitation and the signs that a child is being exploited are not easy to spot.
If you have a concern about a student at Bristol Metropolitan Academy please contact Mrs Sarah Mapstone (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Miss Danica Glover (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) on 0117 3772071.
Signs of Grooming and Sexual Exploitation
Signs of child sexual exploitation include the child or young person:
- going missing for periods of time or regularly returning home late
- skipping school or being disruptive in class
- appearing with unexplained gifts or possessions that can’t be accounted for
- experiencing health problems that may indicate a sexually transmitted disease
- having mood swings and changes in temperament
- using drugs and/or alcohol
- displaying inappropriate sexualised behaviour, such as over-familiarity with strangers, dressing in a sexualised manner or sending sexualised images by mobile phone (“sexting”)
- they may also show signs of unexplained physical harm, such as bruising and cigarette burns
If you have a concern about a student at Bristol Metropolitan Academy please contact Mrs Sarah Mapstone (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Mrs Lacie Coward (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) on 0117 3772071.
Advice and Guidance for Parents and Carers
Are you a Parent or carer? Need FREE help or advice?
- a phone line to ask for advice
- information about parenting issues
- an activity to meet up and discuss practical ways to handle young people’s emotions and stresses
- 1 to 1 guidance
- support groups
- parenting courses
Bristol City Council’s Social Care and Health team will listen to you to help decide what kind of support is right for you and your family.
Contact them on 0117 903 6444.
The following services may help:
You can also find local support groups at:
- 1 Big Database
- Advice Network: free, independent advice across the South West
- Single Parent Action Network (SPAN)
- Off The Record
National organisations
You can get advice from:
- Action for children
- Advisory Centre for Education (ACE)
- Family Lives
- Fostering Network
- The Grandparents Association
- Support for children and young people from
- thinkuknow Secondary Parents Helpsheet
Financial and legal advice:
- Child benefit information from
- Children’s Legal Centre
- Citizens Advice
- Family Mediation Council
- Family Rights Group (FRG)
- National Family Mediation (NFM)
- Talking money: Bristol debt advice centre
Support for drug and addiction issues:
Support for prisoners and their families:
Advice and Guidance for Students
Child on Child – Student Friendly Guide
Need to get help, advice or someone to talk to?
If it is an emergency call 999.
You may want to talk to a social worker about something that is worrying you. Social workers in Bristol can be contacted here – Concerned about a child?
The following links and organisations will be able to give you advice and support about anything that is worrying you.
You can contact ChildLine about anything, no problem is too big or too small. ChildLine can be contacted in four ways:
- Phone: 0808 800 5000
(24 Hours, calls are free and don’t show up on a BT or cable phone bill. Calls to ChildLine are currently free from all the existing networks – 3, BT Mobile, Fresh, O2, Orange, T Mobile, Virgin, Vodafone. Calls will not appear on any of these bills). - Email: You can email ChildLine about anything – no problem is too big or too small.
- 1-2-1 Chat (24 Hours): Online Chat with a ChildLine counsellor.
- Ask Sam: Sam will answer letters you send about anything and everything that is worrying you.
E-safety – Internet, mobiles…how to stay safe and happy:
- thinkuknow– advice, training and support on how to use the Internet and mobile phones safely, including advice on using Facebook and other social networking sites safely from CEOP.
Alcohol or Drugs:
- Adfam– For families and friends of alcohol and drug users – 020 7553 7640
- Alateen– for any teenager who is bothered by someone else’s drinking. They offer support and guidance and hold regular meetings – 020 7403 0888
- Alcohol Concern– 020 7264 0510
- Drinkline – 0345 320 202
- Talk About Alcohol– aims to give you the FACTS. What is alcohol? How does it affect young people? Which laws should you know about? Knowing the score will help you to make your own decisions about alcohol in the future.
- Drugscope– 020 7520 7550
- Release– Drug facts, bust card (information on what to do if arrested) contaminated drug alerts – 0845 4500 215
- FRANK– Information for anyone concerned about drugs
- Bullying– online
- Kidscape– Anti-Bullying charity, 08451 205 204 Helpline for parents and carers. If you are a child or young person contact Childline: 0808 800 5000
Domestic violence and abuse:
Domestic abuse is when one grown-up hurts or bullies another grown-up who is or was their partner, or who is in the same family. Domestic abuse can happen between people who are boyfriend and girlfriend or who are married. If this is happening in your family, remember that you are not alone. Domestic abuse happens in many families and there are people that can help you and your family. Everyone has the right to be and feel safe.
- SupportLine:
Telephone Helpline providing confidential emotional support to Children, Young People and Adults on any issue including domestic violence. Keeps details of other agencies, support groups and counsellors throughout the UK.
Phone: 01708 765200,
Email: [email protected] - The Hide Out– Women’s Aid have created this space to help children and young people to understand domestic abuse, and how to take positive action if it’s happening to you.
Sexuality and gender
- Gay and Lesbian Switchboard – 0117 942 0842
- Freedom Youth and Brook 12 to 15s– are run by Brook Bristol – For more information telephone 07900 730 415 or email [email protected].Freedom is Bristol’s longest running LGBTQ youth group for young people aged 15 to 19 years old. We meet every Tuesday night, 7pm – 9.30pm, in central Bristol. Freedom is a fun, safe, social space for LGBTQ young people to meet each other, discuss issues important to them and have their voices heard. Freedom is open to anyone that identifies as LGBTQ or is questioning their sexuality – no labels applied.
Brook 12 to 15s meets every Monday between 5pm and 6.30pm. It offers support with coming-out, fun activities and campaigns to get involved with and additional one-to-one support if needed. This group is also open to straight-identified young people if they are accompanying a friend that is LGBTQ. - Education Action Challenging Homophobia– 0808 1000 143
Other information
- Support Against Racial Incidents(SARI) – 0117 952 5652
- Relate for Young People– If you are aged 10-25 and your parents, step-parents or carers are separating or argue a lot, Relate can help. You can talk in private about your experiences and feelings with a Relate Counsellor – 0300 100 1234.
- Need somebody to talk to?Contact Kooth – Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people
- Off The RecordHub Sessions;
OTR’s Hubs are a safe and relaxed space you can simply drop into for a chat – no appointments needed. They are there for you to meet our team and discover more about what we offer. You’ll find they are a great place to learn about mental health and self-care too.
These sessions run every week throughout the year, but there are other Hubs that pop-up across Bristol and South Gloucestershire at different times. Keep an eye on this page, or sign up to the OTR E-Newsletter for the latest on when and where these are.
Mondays 4pm – 7pm @ 8-10 West Street, Old Market, Bristol, BS2 0BH
Wednesdays 3.30-5.30pm @ Armadillo, Station Road, Yate BS37 4FW
Saturdays 10am – 1pm @ 8-10 West Street, Old Market, Bristol, BS2 0BH
Remember not all telephone numbers are free to call. If it does not say ‘Freephone’ there may be a cost involved, also calls to freephone numbers from a mobile often cost.