The aim of PSHE education at Bristol Metropolitan Academy is to equip pupils with the understanding, knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions and keep themselves healthy and safe, now and in the future.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) is delivered weekly to our students; in lessons for Year 7 to 10 and in Learning Family time for Year 11. During our “Safety Days”, PSHE is also taught through lessons and workshops delivered by staff and/or external agencies.
Our structure follows the PSHE Education Programme of Study; the only national programme of study for the subject and is regularly signposted to by the Department for Education for schools to use. Through its three core themes (Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World) our curriculum matches the needs of all pupils and covers the breadth of PSHE from relationships and sex education (RSE) and health to economic wellbeing and careers.
The statutory status of RSE and Health education, from September 2020, requires the delivery of topics including online safety, sexting, puberty, consent, FGM, LGBT+, pornography, gender and sexuality, grooming, sexual exploitation, radicalisation, self-harm, contraception, sexual health, STI’s, abuse, forced marriage and honour-based violence. All content is age appropriate and delivered with consideration of all individuals.